
Fist of first men
Fist of first men

fist of first men

What I did not expect was the NW to be so brave and honorable to kill the next LC for desertion! Does it bother anyone else? and if not, how do you understand it? Then was the story of Jon with the wildlings and the thought that "huh!" these are the replacements.

fist of first men fist of first men

When I read the mutiny in Craster's keep, I thought it was a hint of what was to come. After seeing Other and Jafer and then what happened in the Fist, I expected the NW to deal with a LOT of deserters and I specifically expected them to do so south of the wall, when they have already made it safely to the safe side. The progressions of events in NW after the fist of First men is very strange to me. I have been reading the forums for only a short while and it might be the case that this has been discussed to death before, If so, I am sorry, I did a quick search and did not find anything.

Fist of first men